Each month we will focus on a gardening topic and a related landscape design or tool topic.


Check out what is coming in 2024:

April 27 — Companion Plants and Tool Talk

May 18 — Annuals & Edibles and Containers

June 22 — Pruning Basics and Plant Supports

July 27 — Getting into the Weeds and Landscape Barriers

August 24 — Welcomed & Unwelcomed Visitors and Pathways

September 21 — Storage of the Harvest and Valued Precipitation

October 19 — R&R for the Garden and the Gardener

Our Saturday morning circle discussions are FREE but are limited to 10 guests per session.

All discussions are outdoors in a south Minneapolis backyard and run from 9 am to 10 am.
If it rains, then the class will be canceled.

These circles are designed for new or somewhat seasoned gardeners and are led by a gardening/landscaping professional.

Please email to register and indicate which dates you will be attending. 

The event’s location, which may vary, will be shared when you register.

Talk. Garden. Events began in 2016 with a series of backyard chats, and are integral to Green Space/True Nature Design’s efforts to empower gardeners as well as broaden the reach in the gardening community. 

We look forward to seeing you!